
Showing posts from June, 2017

Social Networking Sites

In my personal life, my go to four social networking sites according to my usage are,  1. YouTube, 2. LinkedIn, 3. Facebook and 4. Twitter. Just few years ago I was heavily using Facebook, but now I moved to LinkedIn. I guess this change is due to the reason that at this point in my life I'm more focused on my career which naturally made me attracted to LinkedIn. YouTube, is now more than powerful and useful. Its content library is enormous. I can go from learning some new stuff from academic perspective to the entertaining videos. YouTube is also expanding their portfolio by keep adding more options and features. It used to be a website on which other people share their videos. Now, it’s a music streaming service, movie rental service, live broadcast service and more recently a TV service. Thus, it explains that it offers a broader range compared to other social networking sites. LinkedIn, proved to be a very effective tool for me. I got many important connection

Social Networking

In today's modern society social networking is a very hot topic which splits the people either liking this technology or disliking it. Many people believe that it's an incredible tool and progressive way towards the future, but others are worried about the impact it has on people's lives and its undiscovered potentials. It's a very interesting problem, since people from all walks of life use social media sites for both work and pleasure. Like any other technology social networking also contains both sides' negatives and Positives. For example privacy, by not setting your privacy settings properly one can have some serious consequences. Now a days in school Cyberbullying became a problem as people can take advantage of the fact that there is no one who can effectively stop the bullying when it happens. It proof to be a big waste of time, as people visit social networking sites to check one thing but being end up spending more time as a result of targeted advisem

Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis both are remarkable pieces of technologies of new media. Both of them provide such a great medium with many different ways to quickly share the information with others on a site, without requiring knowledge of advanced tools and expertise. They are much easier for people to update and change the material comparing to a formal document or a traditional website. Blog is a shortened version of Weblog, which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing journal of information. Blogs are those websites which is used to reflect and review. They contain posts, sometimes similar to journal entries, from usually a single person, but can have multiple contributors or a group of people. The posts are dated and listed in reverse sequential order. In contrast, a wiki is a website that enables users to collect team knowledge, planning events and activities, or work on group projects together. They are used to collaborate and construct together the intended ma

Project - New Media's Business Models and Strategies

Through my research for the project, I'll try to understand new media's business model and their strategies to become successful and gain more market share from their competitor old media. My approach will be to select a group of companies in the new media and the old media to understand how they operate, their target audience and what their desired outcomes were for their particular company. After that I will try to find how new media become more successful in gaining market share and what option do old media have in order to gain their lost market share.