Social Networking Sites

In my personal life, my go to four social networking sites according to my usage are, 

1. YouTube,
2. LinkedIn,
3. Facebook and
4. Twitter.

Just few years ago I was heavily using Facebook, but now I moved to LinkedIn. I guess this change is due to the reason that at this point in my life I'm more focused on my career which naturally made me attracted to LinkedIn.

YouTube, is now more than powerful and useful. Its content library is enormous. I can go from learning some new stuff from academic perspective to the entertaining videos. YouTube is also expanding their portfolio by keep adding more options and features. It used to be a website on which other people share their videos. Now, it’s a music streaming service, movie rental service, live broadcast service and more recently a TV service. Thus, it explains that it offers a broader range compared to other social networking sites.

LinkedIn, proved to be a very effective tool for me. I got many important connections in my career field through my initial circle on LinkedIn. It's a great way if someone wants to increase his professional network and to discover new opportunities.

Facebook, in my daily routine is now not as important as it was before. Mostly because the content posted by my connections is now becoming less relevant for me. For example, where they eat, where they had vacations and which celebrity they met. Now days I login to Facebook once in a month or so just to find if there is any important event happened in my friend circle.

Twitter, I never used this before this class. I never understood the concept of it, but now using it for few days it all making senses. I still struggle with the interface, in my opinion it is not as easy to navigate comparing to the above three social networking sites. But, I could definitely see myself using this platform after finishing this class.


  1. All the websites/apps you posted are very popular and can get too addicting such as Facebook and for some even twitter. I agree about Facebook that its not as relevant. It is more focused on entertainment according to the users preference based on the videos and websites that you watch. Its great to also keep a tab on your friends.
    Im not a big youtube guy, as I use it here and there but definitely nowhere near the same usage as a few years ago. Now for the most part I just use Apple Music.
    I have never used twitter before, as I believe that it is just one small aspect that can be used in Facebook such as status updates. I tried to use it in the past but didn't really get the hang of it. Maybe after this class I will be more accustomed to it.

  2. I really enjoy using LinkedIn too! I've noticed my self shying away from Facebook and really only using it to read post and stay connected with Family members who live far away. But what you say about YouTube is very true, even though I don't use it too often!


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